Curriculum Vitae

publications excluded

Personal information

Name: Manuela Mosca
Date of Birth: 30.09.1957
Place of Birth: Lecce
Citizenship: Italian

Present position

2016 - ... Full Professor, Department of Economics, University of Salento-Lecce (from March 9).

Positions held

2002-2016 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Salento-Lecce (from September 1st).
2002-2022 Adjunct professor, Department of Economics, University of Bologna.
1992-2002 Lecturer in Economics at University of Bologna in Forli.
1989-1999 Editorial assistant of the review "Politica economica".
1988 External editor of the books on economics published by Societa' editrice il Mulino in the series "Great Contemporary Economists"
1983-1988 Editor of books on economics published by Societa' editrice il Mulino, Bologna
1981-1982 External editor of books on economics published by Societa' editrice il Mulino, Bologna


1992 Ph. D. (History of Economic Thought). Dissertation on The engineer economist Jules Dupuit. A liberal at the service of the State

1980 Degree (Economics), University of Bologna. Dissertation on Theoretical Foundations of crowding out 110/110


Italian, English, French

Research experiences abroad

2024 Visiting professor, Duke University, October-November
2023 Enseignant invite, Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, February
2012 Enseignant invite, Universite Pantheon-Assas Paris II, February
2011 Enseignant invite, Universite Pantheon-Assas Paris II, February
2005 University of California, Berkeley
1991 Ecole normale Superieure de Fontenay/Saint Cloud, Paris

Research interests

Women in economics
History of the Theory of Monopoly Power
Marginalism in Italy
Archives of Italian Economists

Membership in Scientific Societies

Associazione italiana per la storia del pensiero economico (AISPE)
History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences Network (EHHET Network)
History of Economics Society (HES)
The European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET)
Societa' Italiana degli Studi Economici (SISE) Societa' Italiana degli Economisti (SIE)
Associazione italiana per la storia dell'economia politica (STOREP)

Activities in Scientific Societies

2024-... Correspondent member of the Istituto Lombardo - Accademia di Scienze e Lettere.
2024-... Auditor della History of Economics Society (HES).
2021-... President of AISPE the Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought.
2013-... Member of the Scientific Committee of the "Associazione Francesca Duchini. Studio del pensiero economico", Milan, Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
2023 Member of the committee for the ESHET research grant.
2018-2019 Member of the Scientific committeefor the XVI AISPE Conference (Bologna, April 2019).
2017-2020 Organization (with Roberto Scazzieri) of a Permanent Seminar on History of Economic Thought, Bologna, Accademia delle Scienze.
2014-2022 Treasurer of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET).
2012-2022 Website Content Manager of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET).
2019-2020 Chair of the HES Joseph J. Spengler Best Book Prize Committee.
2018-2019 Member of the Scientific and Local Committee of the 16th AISPE Conference (Bologna, April 2019).
2017-2018 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 22nd ESHET Conference (Madrid, June 2018).
2017 Member of the AISPE Prizes Committee for "History of Economic Thought" and "Italian Economic Thought", Rome, 23-25 November 2017.
2017 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 15th AISPE Conference (Rome, 23-25 November 2017).
2016-2017 Chair of the "ESHET audiovisual resources grants" committee.
2016-2017 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 21st ESHET Conference (Antwerp, May 2017).
2015-2016 Organization of the XIV AISPE Conference, Lecce.
2015-2016 Chair of the "ESHET audiovisual resources grants" committee.
2014-2015 Member of the HES Dorfman Prize Committee.
2014-2021 Member of the Executive Committee of the Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico (AISPE).
2013-2014 Organization (with Catherine Martin) of the Young Scholars Seminar at the 15th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET), Centre Walras-Pareto, Lausanne, 29-31 May 2014.
2012-2013 Organization (with Catherine Martin) of the Young Scholars Seminar at the 17th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET), Kingston (London), 16-18 May 2013.
2012-2014 Member of the Executive Committee of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET).
2011-2012 Organization (with Annie Cot) of the Young Scholars Seminar at the 16th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET), 17-19 May, St. Petersburg State University.
2011 Organization of the Annual meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET), Lecce, 9-10 December.
2010-2011 Organization (with Annie Cot) of the Young Scholars Seminar at the 15th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET), 19-22 May, Bogazici University, Istanbul.
2010-2012 Member of the Executive Committee of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET).
2009-2010 Member of the HES Best Article Prize Committee.
2008 Member of the Commission for the attribution of the 1st AISPE-Enzo Balocchi price, Treviso, 27-29 March.
2008 Member of the Commission for the attribution of the 4th AISPE-Costantino Bresciani Turroni price, Treviso, 27-29 March.
2007-2008 Member of the Scientific Board of the 10th AISPE Conference "Humanism and Religion in the History of Economic Thought", Treviso, 27-29 March.
2006 Member of the Commission for the attribution of the 3rd AISPE-Costantino Bresciani Turroni price, Padova, June 15-17.
2005-2006 Member of the Scientific Board of the 9th AISPE Conference "Theory and practice of economic politicy: tradition and change", Padova, June 15-17.
2004-2008 Member of the Executive Committee of the Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico (AISPE).

Teaching record

History of Economic Analysis
History of Economic Thought
Economic Journalism
Academic Publications

Refereeing activity

Economic Thought
Bulgarian Journal of International Economics and PoliticsJournal of contextual economics
Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice
Oxford Economic Papers
Journal of the History of Economic Thought
History of Political Economy
The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
History of Economic Ideas
History of Economic Thought and Policy (Storia del pensiero economico)
Italian Economic Journal
Il Pensiero Economico Italiano
Referee for various Italian publishers
2016 External Referee for the PhD thesis, Scienze Politiche, 29 cycle, University Roma Tre.
2008 Member of the referee team for the evaluation of the research programs "Progetti Strategici di Ateneo" University of Bologna

Editorial activity

Member of the committee for the JHET Early Career Scholar Award 2024 (June).

Member of the scientific committee of the journal Quaderni dell'archivio storico, (since March 2024).

Member of the advistory board of the Cambridge Element Series in the History of Economic Thought, Cambridge University Press (since July 2023).

Member of the Editorial board of the journal History of Economic Review (since November 2022)
Member of the Editorial board of the journal History of Economic Ideas (since January 2020)
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Biblioteca Storica degli Economisti Italiani series, Franco Angeli publisher (since October 2019)
Member of the Editorial board of Journal of the History of Economic Thought (since July 2019)
Associate editor of the journal Oeconomia (since June 2019)
Member of the International Advisory board of European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (since May 2009)
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal OEconomia (April 2018 - May 2019)
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal History of Economic Thought and Policy (since June 2014)
Member of the Scientific Committee of the History of economic thought series Proteus, Aracne publisher (since June 2014)
Member of the Scientific Committee of the series on Politics, Economics and Law in Italy between the two wars , Firenze University Press (since February 2017)
Member of the Scientific Committee of the SPE/HET series, SIBA-ESE Unisalento Publisher (since February 2017)
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Liber-O series Open Access, Unisalento Publisher (since December 2017)

Honors and awards

2019 Award for the HES Spengler Best Book Prize (USA) to the book Monopoly Power and Competition. The Italian Marginalist Perspective, Cheltenham (U.K.), Edward Elgar.

2009 Award for Best Article in the History of Economics - History of Economics Society - to the article "On the origins of the concept of natural monopoly", The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, XV, 2008, n.2, pp. 317-353.

2004 Ranked first in the student survey of teaching conducted in the Faculty of Economics (University of Lecce) by the newspaper Corriere del Mezzogiorno , published May 21, 2004.

2016 The article "Political realism and models of the state. Antonio de Viti de Marco and the origins of Public Choice" (with M. Giuranno) is listed in the SSRN's Top Ten download list for: ERN: Cooperation & Collusion (Topic), ERN: Models of Political Processes: Rent-Seeking, Elections, Legislatures, & Voting Behavior (Topic) and PSN: Public Choice (Topic).

2015 The article "On the origins of the concept of natural monopoly" was listed 1st in the ranking of the "Top 25 Journal Articles by File Downloads 2015-2", for the European Journal of the History of Economic Thought.

2013-15 The article "On the Origins of the Concept of Natural Monopoly" was listed 2nd among the most cited articles for the "European Journal for the History of Economic Thought".

2013 The article "On the Origins of the Concept of Natural Monopoly" was listed 7th among the most downloaded articles for the "European Journal for the History of Economic Thought".

2009 The paper "The Sources of Monopoly Power Before Bain (1956)" was listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for Journal of History of Economics: recent hits (for all papers announced in the previous 60 days) July 24, 2009 to November 6, 2009.

Research Projects

2023-2025 Principal investigator of the PRIN project "The Economic Thought of Italian Women (1750-1999): Methodological Issues, Ideas, Impact, International Links, a Census and an Online Database".

2021 For the host organization, 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (European Union), awarded to Michele Bee.

2021-2023 Member of the project Avant-garde Women in the Activism between Centuries (XIX and XX): Influences in Contemporary Philosophy" Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Spain.

2017-2018 Member of the project "La scienza economica italiana durante il fascismo: un profilo istituzionale", Pisa.

2010-2012 Member of the project "Scienza economica e opinione pubblica nell'Italia liberale".

2010-2017 Member of the project "La cultura economica meridionale tra le due guerre", coordinated by Piero Barucci.

2008- ... THESIS project. See multimedia.

2008-2010 Regional head for the national research project "Economists' Historical Archive" (ASE). See multimedia.

2007-2009 Scientific coordinator and Interviewer for the documentary film "Antonio de Viti de Marco", funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia (Bari) - Department of economics, University of Salento (Lecce) and Salento Film Fund - Provincia di Lecce. See multimedia.

2007- ... Scientific coordinator for the project "Antonio De Viti de Marco digital library", Casamassella Town Library, Uggiano La Chiesa (Lecce). See multimedia.

2004-2006 Regional head for the national research project "Economic theory and economic policy in the Italian economists' papers" (ASE Project: Economists' Historical Archive). See

2003-2005 Member of the national research project on Handbooks and treatises of economics in Italy (1848-1922).

2001-2003 Regional head for the national research project "Economist's Historical Archive" (ASE). For the contents of the project see ASE Project 2001. The outcome of the ASE project can be consulted on line at

1999-2002 Member of the national research project on Italian economists in Parliament (1861-1914).

1998-2000 Regional head for the national research project "Economists' Historical Archive". For the contents of the project see ASE Project 1998.

1998-2000 Member of the national research project on Economic Associations and Economic Publications: The Spread of Political Economy in XIX century Italy.

1993-1994 Member of the national research project on Italian periodical publications and political economy.

Conferences and Seminars

2024 Workshop on Vilfredo Pareto and the woman question, Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, 18 October.

2024 Presentation of The activism and economic thought of Maria Schiratti Toniolo, Harriet Dunham De Viti de Marco and Jenny Kretschmann Griziotti, wives of economists, Rome, AISPE conference, 4 October.

2024 Presentation of Prima del Welfare State. L'attivismo sociale di un network di donne in Italia, Casamassella, Fondazione Costantine, 21 September.

2024 Presentation of The Rationality of Homo Oeconomicus, AIS conference, Lecce, 20 September.

2024 Presentation of Aurelia Josz (1869-1944) The education of women entrepreneurs in agriculture, with G. Becchio, IAFFE Annual Conference, Rome, 2-5 July.

2024 Presentation of Antonio de Viti de Marco and the oath of loyalty to fascism, STOREP Annual Conference, Milan, 27-29 June.

2024 Presentation of Before the welfare state. The social work of a women's network in Italy, Webinar on "Women and the Economics of Social Cooperation and Organization", Cambridge Companion to Women's Economic Thought, June 3.

2024 Presentation of La democrazia nel pensiero economico liberale, Seminari di Humanfirst 2024, Lecce 16 May.

2024 Presentation of Before the welfare state. The social work of a women's network in Italy, ESHET Conference Graz, 9-11 May

2024 Presentation of La presenza delle donne nell'universita' in una prospettiva storica, Presentazione del Bilancio di genere, UniSalento, Lecce, 8 March.

2024 Presentation of Rethinking the History of Economics from a Gender Perspective: The Italian Case, ASSA 2024 annual meeting, San Antonio (USA), 6 January.

2023 Presentation of Women in economics: their thought and actions in the past, 2023 Luigi De Rosa Lecture on GLobal History, Rome, 14 December.

2023 Presentation of Le donne di Vilfredo Pareto, Accademia dei Georgofili, Firenze, 14 November.

2023 Presentation of La storia delle imprese femminili in Italia, Protagoniste 2023, UniSalento, 9 November.

2023 Presentation of The economic thought of Maria Ponti Pasolini (1856-1938), AISPE Conference, Palermo, 21 October.

2023 Presentation of Pareto and the woman question, AISPE Conference, Palermo, 20 October.

2023 Presentation of Women of the past between economic action and culture, STOREP Conference, Bari, 16 June.

2023 Presentation of Pareto and the woman question, ESHET Conference, Liegi, 2 June.

2023 Presentation of On intellectual legacies: Luigi Einaudi as a disciple of Antonio de Viti de Marco, Universite' Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, 31 May.

2023 Presentation of Pareto e la questione femminile, Accademia dei Lincei, Roma, 16 maggio.

2023 Presentation of Pareto and the woman question, Seminaire de PHARE, Paris, 13 February.

2023 Seminar on Women in economic thought , Paris, Maison des sciences economiques, 6 February.

2022 Seminar on Women in economic thought, Bologna, 18 November.

2022 Presentation of Observacions economiques a aquest cas Italia, Workshop MUVAN, Barcelona, 18 October.

2022 Comment on Edith Kuiper, A Herstory of Economics, online presentation with Edith Kuiper and Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, MinervaLab, 13 October.

2022 Online presentation of The economic thought of Maria Ponti Pasolini (1856-1938), (with E. Laurenzi), AISPE workshop online on "Women between economic facts and ideas (1750-1950)", 19 September.

2022 Online presentation of Aurelia Josz (1869-1944), (with G. Becchio), AISPE workshop online on "Women between economic facts and ideas (1750-1950)", 19 September.

2022 Online presentation of Monopoly Power and Competition The Italian Marginalist Perspective, HaPSS Seminar, March 18.

2022 Online presentation of the volume A female activist elite in Italy (1890-1920), with Elena Laurenzi, AISPE book presentations, 13 January.

2021 Online presentation of "The decades of silence Antonio de Viti de Marco, from 1923 to 1943", Roma, AISPE-SISE Conference, 4-6 November.

2021 Online presentation of "La storia del pensiero economico e le donne", Lecce, UniSalento+, 14 October.

2021 Online presentation of A female activist elite in Italy (1890-1920). Overcoming the gender bias in the history of thought, with Elena Laurenzi, ESHET Conference, Sofia, 8 October.

2021 Online presentation of La decisione "quanto mai penosa" di collocamento a riposo di Antonio de Viti de Marco, Convegno di Studi "Regime e dissenso 1931. I professori che rifiutarono il giuramento fascista", Universita' degli studi di Torino, 5 May.

2020 Online presentation of Il potere e la teoria economica. Storia di un rapporto controverso, webinar Pearson "Pensare la macroeconomia", 2 December.

2020 Online presentation of Le donne nella storia del pensiero economico, in "Donne, ruoli e comportamenti in economia", Lecce, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Economia for the "European Researchers Night", 27 November.

2019 Presentation of Harriet Lathrop Dunham - Etta de Viti de Marco (1864-1939), 23rd annual ESHET Conference, Lille, 23-25 May.

2019 Presentation of The Italian Marginalists in Defence of inequality, XVI AISPE Conference, Bologna, 11 April.

2019 Presentation of Harriet Lathrop Dunham - Etta de Viti de Marco. Un'attivista americana nell'italia liberale, XVI AISPE Conference, Bologna, 12 April.

2019 Presentation of Economia politica e questione femminile nell'Italia liberale: Etta de Viti de Marco, Milano, Universita' Cattolica, 13 March.

2018 Presentation of The question of democracy for the Italian Marginalists, , Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, 20 June.

2018 Presentation of Calls for papers in the History of Economic Thought 2012-2017, 22nd ESHET Conference, Madrid, 8 June

2018 Presentation of Political realism and models of the state. Antonio de Viti de Marco and the origins of Public Choice, (with M. Giuranno), The 2018 meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Rome, 11-14 April.

2018 Presentation of Monopoly Power and Competition. The Italian Marginalist Perspective, Lecce, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Economia, March 13.

2017 Presentation of Monopoly Power and Competition. The Italian Marginalist Perspective, Seminaire de PHARE, Paris, 18 December.

2017 Presentation of Chi ci cerca? E perche'? XV AISPE Conference "Prospettive per la storia dell'economia", Roma, 25 November.

2017 Presentation of Competition in Context. The Italian Marginalists' Perspective, XV AISPE Conference, Roma, 23 November.

2017 Presentation of Political realism and models of the state: Antonio de Viti de Marco and the origins of Public Choice, (con M. Giuranno), SIE Conference, Universita' della Calabria, 20 October.

2017 Presentation of Competition in Context. The Italian Marginalists' Perspective, XXI ESHET Conference, Antwerp, 20 May.

2017 Presentation of Come si fa una tesi di laurea Lecce, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Economia, 2 May, 30 May, 13 June.

2017 Presentation of La matematizzazione dell'economia e il marginalismo , Bologna, Liceo Minghetti, January 17.

2016 Presentation of The German Translation of De Viti de Marco's "I primi principii dell'economia finanziaria", (with G. Pavanelli), MRC Conference Economic Lessons, Perspectives and Challenges from the Balkans, Sofia, 13-14 October.

2016 Social Dinner Speech on De Viti de Marco and his house, Annual SIEP Conference, Casamassella (Lecce), 22 September.

2016 Presentation of Political realism and models of the state. Antonio de Viti de Marco and the origins of Public Choice, (with M. Giuranno), Annual SIEP Conference, Lecce, 22-23 September.

2016 Presentation of The problem of democracy for the Italian marginalists, (with E. Somaini), XX ESHET Conference, Paris, 27 May.

2016 Presentation of Shakespeare and the economy, Lecce, Facolta' di Economia, 23 May.

2016 Presentation at the seminar Il liberalismo costituzionale, Lecce, Universita' del Salento, 17 May.

2016 Presentation of La Scuola dei Marginalisti Italiani Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Lecce, 6 May.

2016 Presentation of Political realism and models of the state. Antonio de Viti de Marco and the origins of Public Choice, (with M. Giuranno), XIV AISPE Conference, Lecce, 28 April.

2016 Presentation of The problem of democracy for the Italian marginalists, (with E. Somaini), XIV AISPE Conference, Lecce, 29 April.

2016 Presentation of Political realism and models of the state. Antonio de Viti de Marco and the origins of Public Choice (with M. Giuranno), ASSA/AER Conference, San Francisco, 3-5 January.

2015 Discussant at the Colloquium "The Quality of Political Institutions in Europe", Villa Vigoni, 14-16 June.

2015 Presentation of De Viti de Marco, the "European War" and President Wilson , 19th ESHET Conference, Rome, 14-16 May.

2014 Presentation of Heterogenesis of ends. Herbert Spencer and the Italian economists (with C. Sunna), 55th SIE Annual Conference, Trento, 23-25 October.

2014 Presentation of "Io sono un darwinista". La Visione di Maffeo Pantaleoni, 55th SIE Annual Conference, Trento, 23-25 October.

2014 Presentation of E. Roy Weintraub at the forth "De Viti de Marco Lecture" on The Birth of Linear Programming , Lecce, 13 July.

2014 Presentation of Heterogenesis of ends. Herbert Spencer and the Italian economists (with C. Sunna), XVIII ESHET Conference, Lausanne, 29-31 May.

2013 Presentation of I concorsi universitari nelle discipline economiche nel crepuscolo dell'eta' liberale, at the Conference "La cultura economica in Italia nel Mezzogiorno fra le due guerre", Napoli, November 7-9.

2013 Presentation of The sources of monopoly power before Bain, Bologna, SIE 54th Annual Conference, 24-26 October.

2013 Presentation of "Historical Archives of Economists", at the Conference Gli economisti italiani: protagonisti, paradigmi, politiche, Rome, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 25-26 September.

2013 Presentation of The daily battles of Antonio de Viti de Marco, 40th HES Conference, Vancouver (Canada), 20-22 June.

2013 Presentation of Industrial Organization, 17th ESHET Conference, Kingston (London), 16-18 May.

2013 Presentation of Perfect competition according to Enrico Barone, XII AISPE Conference, Florence, 21-23 February.

2012 Presentation of De Viti de Marco. Politica, economia, mezzogiorno, Casamassella, 15 dicembre.

2012 Presentation of The Italian marginalist Maffeo Pantaleoni and the "universal force" of competition, IX STOREP Conference, Padova, 1-3 June.

2012 Discussant of K. Caldari Alfred Marshall on Competition, Monopoly and the Role of the State, IX STOREP Conference, Padova, 1-3 June.

2012 Presentation of The Italian marginalist Maffeo Pantaleoni and the "universal force" of competition , XVI ESHET Conference, Saint Petersburg, 17-19 May.

2012 Discussant of Wade D. Hands, Paul Samuelson and Revealed Preference Theory, XVI ESHET Conference, Saint Petersburg, 17-19 May.

2012 Presentation of The Italian Marginalist Perspective on Competition: Maffeo Pantaleoni, Maison des Sciences Economiques, University of Paris, February 3.

2011 Chair and discussant of G. Faccarello, Strong reactions to the first industrial crises: the many births of Christian political economy, at the International workshop "Economic crises in historical perspective", Lecce, Rectorate building, Conference room, December 9.

2011 Presentation of Le battaglie quotidiane di Antonio de Viti de Marco given at the XI AISPE Conference for the research on Scienza economica e opinione pubblica nell'Italia liberale, Pisa, 1-3 December.

2011 Presentation of the documentary Antonio de Viti de Marco. Una storia degna di memoria edited by M. Mosca, XI AISPE Conference on "Gli economisti italiani e la formazione dello Stato nazionale (1850-1900)", Pisa, 1-3 December.

2011 Presentation of the book/documentary Antonio de Viti de Marco. Una storia degna di memoria edited by M. Mosca, Libreria Coop Ambasciatori, Bologna, November 14.

2011 Presentation of the book/documentary Antonio de Viti de Marco. Una storia degna di memoria edited by M. Mosca, Biblioteca Provinciale, Lecce, October 28.

2011 Discussant of F. Barbagallo, "Il Mezzogiorno e l'Italia 1861-2011", and C. Perrotta "Il mito del Sud prospero e sviluppato" at the seminar on Questione meriodionale e miti del Sud, Lecce, October 14.

2011 Presentation of the book/documentary Antonio de Viti de Marco. Una storia degna di memoria edited by M. Mosca, at Salento in festival 2011, Castello De Viti de Marco, Casamassella (Lecce).

2011 Presentation of Competition in Public Finance. From De Viti de Marco's lecture notes to his Principles (1886-1953), given at the ESHET Conference "Competition, Innovation and Rivalry", Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, May 19-21.

2011 Presentation of the Third "De Viti de Marco Lecture" Istituzioni e crescita, solo un rompicapo? Il problema del Mezzogiorno oggi, by Piero Barucci, Lecce, May 13.

2011 Presentation of Minghetti the Economist. The Railway Problem and the History of Natural Monopoly, given at the Conference "The Nation as a Shared Destiny. Minghetti and Contemporary Italy", Faculty of Political Science, Bologna, March 11-12.

2011 Paper Antonio de Viti de Marco. Competition taught to his students, presented at the Workshop "Italian economists: economic education, theory and policy. New lights from the research in archives", Universita' Cattolica, Milano, February 25.

2011 Paper Antonio de Viti de Marco, Une enquete sur le marginalisme italien, presented at the Séminaire ERMES PHARE, Paris University, February 4.

2011 Paper Perfect competition according to Enrico Barone, presented at the Workshop "The Foundations, Definitions and Usages of Perfect Competition", University of Paris Ouest, January 13-14.

2010 Paper Oral history: A documentary on Antonio de Viti de Marco, presented at the 37th HES conference, Syracuse, NY (USA), June 25-28.

2010 Discussant of Pedro Garcia Duarte, "Another Chapter in the History of Ramsey's Optimal Feasible Taxation", 37th HES conference, Syracuse, NY (USA), June 25-28.

2010 Paper Oral history: A documentary on Antonio de Viti de Marco, presented at the VII Storep conference, Trento, May 30-June 1.

2010 Discussant of Amedeo Fossati, "Pareto and Italian public finance scholars in the first half of the XX century", VII Storep conference, Trento, May 30-June 1.

2010 Paper "Einaudi and De Viti de Marco", presented at the conference "Luigi Einaudi e l'economia meridionale", Napoli, 31 March.

2010 Paper "Oral history: A documentary on Antonio de Viti de Marco", presented at the ESHET conference on "The Practices of Economists in the Past and Today", Amsterdam, 25-28 March.

2010 Chair of session and discussant of Andres Alvarez "Leon Walras on industrial regulation: railroads as economic and moral state monopolies" at the ESHET Conference, Amsterdam, 25-28 March.

2009 Paper "The sources of monopoly power before Bain", presented at the HES Conference, University of Colorado, Denver, June 26-29.

2009 Chair of session and discussant of Daniela Parisi "Reading the American System of Political Economy in Italy: The Case of Henry Carey" at the HES Conference, University of Colorado, Denver, June 26-29.

2009 Paper "The sources of monopoly power before Bain", presented at the JSHET Conference, Keio Gijuku University, Tokyo, May 30-31.

2009 Seminar "Where to look for the theory of barrier to entry before Bain - and why", Department of Economics, University of Lecce, 14 January.

2008 Paper "Market power in the history of economic thought" presented at the "History of Public Economics Conference", Paris, 10-12 December.

2008 Chair of session at the History of Public Economics Conference, Paris, 10-12 December.

2008 Presentation of the Second De Viti de Marco Lecture "Il ristagno italiano: storia e prospettive" by Pierluigi Ciocca, Lecce, 19 September.

2008 Presentation of the THESIS web site at the General Assembly of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, 12th Eshet Conference, Prague, 15-17 May.

2008 Discussant of Andres Alvarez "Early neoclassical views on monopoly: the Cournotian heritage" at the 12th Eshet Conference, Prague, 15-17 May.

2008 Discussant of Mario Pomini "Education and endogenous growth in the neoclassical tradition" at the 12th Eshet Conference, Prague, 15-17 May.

2008 Speaker at the debate on the performance "Questa volta ci sono i denari (dedicato alla vita di Donato Menichella)", Lecce, Teatro Paisiello, 22 April.

2008 Chair of the session on "Social capital and economic development" at the 10th AISPE Conference on "Humanism and Religion in the History of Economic Thought", Treviso, 27-29 March.

2008 Discussant of Fabio Masini "Robbin's Epistemology and the Role of the Economist in Society"" at the 10th AISPE Conference on "Humanism and Religion in the History of Economic Thought", Treviso, 27-29 March.

2008 Discussant of Ana Isabel Rosado Cubero "Barriers to entry in the economic thought" at the 10th AISPE Conference on "Humanism and Religion in the History of Economic Thought", Treviso, 27-29 March.

2007 Paper on Economics, history and politics in the Southern Italy Archives presented at the International Workshop "Economists' Historical Archives: Economic Theory and Policy in Economists' Papers", Siena, June 22-23.

2007 Chair in the afternoon session of the workshop on "Moneta, Istituzioni e Distribuzione del Reddito. Letture keynesiane e sraffiane", Lecce, 7 December.

2007 Presentation of the research project "Antonio de Viti de Marco Library", Casamassella (Lecce), 25 April.

2007 Paper on The Austrian theory of "unnatural" monopoly presented at 34th Annual Meeting of the History of Economics Society, George Mason University (Virginia, USA), June 8-11.

2006 Paper on The Austrian theory of "unnatural" monopoly presented at the 1st ESHET-JSHET Meeting on Markets, Knowledge and Governance in the History of Economic Thought, Nice - Sophia-Antipolis, December 17-20.

2006 Round table on Historical Archive of Economists with L. Costabile, D. da Empoli, R. Faucci, D. Parisi, M. di Matteo. International Summer School (4th edition) "Historiography of Economic Thought: Tools and Methodology", Lucca 6-9 September.

2006 Paper on On the concept of natural monopoly in the history of economic thought, presented at the 7th International APET conference (PET06), Hanoi July 31 - August 2.

2006 Seminar "On the concept of natural monopoly in the history of economic thought", Department of Economics, University of Lecce, 19 July.

2006 Paper on On the concept of natural monopoly in the history of economic thought, presented at 33rd Annual Meeting of the History of Economic Society, Grinnel (USA), 23-26 June.

2006 Paper on Gli economisti e la Laterza, presented at the IX AISPE Conference on "The Theory and Practice of Economic Policy: Tradition and Change", Padova 15-17 June.

2006 Discussant of Gabriella Gioli "La cooperazione economica europea, futuro strumento di pace (1919-1945)", IX AISPE Conference on "The Theory and Practice of Economic Policy: Tradition and Change", Padova, 15-17 June.

2006 Discussant of Ana Rosado Cubero "Evolution of the theoretical analysis of barriers to entry in an industry", IX AISPE Conference on "The Theory and Practice of Economic Policy: Tradition and Change", Padova, 15-17 June.

2006 Paper On the concept of natural monopoly in the history of economic thought, presented at the III STOREP Conference, Lecce 1-3 June.

2006 Paper on Emil Sax and Italy. Three questions of priority, presented at the 10th Eshet Annual Conference, Porto 28-30 April.

2006 Seminar on Competition and market power in the history of economic thought, Department of Economics, University of Lecce, March 30.

2006 Paper on Emil Sax and Italy. Three questions of priority, presented at the 61st International Atlantic Economic Conference, Berlin 15-19 March.

2005 Paper on Competition and market power, presented at the conference on "Handbooks and treaties of economics in Italy (1848-1922)", Pisa September 29, Borgo a Mozzano (Lucca) 30th September - 1st October.

2005 Paper on Competition and monopoly power in Vilfredo Pareto and Enrico Barone, presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the History of Economics Society, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, USA, June 24-27.

2005 Paper on Competition and market power in the Italian marginalists' textbooks, presented at the 9th ESHET Conference on "Economics and other disciplines", Stirling 9-12 June.

2005 Paper on Classical competition in the Marginalist thought, presented at the II STOREP Annual Conference on "The theory of decision in the history of economics", Siena, 3-4 June.

2004 Paper on The notion of market power in the Italian marginalist school: De Viti de Marco and Pantaleoni, presented at the VIII AISPE Annual Conference on "Economists and institutions", Palermo, 30th September - 2nd October.

2004 Discussant of Luca Michelini Innovazione e sistemi economici comparati: il contributo di Enrico Barone e il pensiero economico italiano (1894-1924), at the VIII Annual AISPE Conference on "Economists and institutions", Palermo, 30th September - 2nd October.

2004 Discussant of Pierpaolo Giannoccolo The Brain Drain. Survey of the Literature, at the VIII AISPE Annual Conference on "Economists and institutions", Palermo, 30th September - 2nd October.

2004 Chair and Discussant in the session on the book Histoire de la Pensee Economique en Italie, by Henri Bartoli. Second International Summer School in the History of Economic Thought, Lucca, September 9th.

2004 Paper on The notion of market power in the Italian marginalist school: De Viti de Marco and Pantaleoni, presented at the XXXI Annual Meeting of the History of Economics Society, Toronto, 25-28th June.

2004 Presentation of the research project on Monopoly and competition in the handbooks of economics (1848-1925) at the meeting on "Handbooks and treatises of economics in Italy (1848-1922)",Turin, Mai 28th.

2004 Paper on Economist's manuscripts and the economic thought in Emilia-Romagna presented at the Conference on "Italian economists manuscripts", Napoli, February 6th.

2003 Seminar on Industrialization and laissez faire in XIX century Italian economic thought, Department of Economics, University of Lecce, March 6th.

2003 Paper on The "industrial mentality" of Angelo Marescotti, presented at the VII AISPE Annual Conference on "The changing firm", Brescia, February 20th-22nd.

2003 Discussant of M. Fernandez Lopez, Ugo Broggi, A Precursor in Mathematical Economics at the VII AISPE Annual Conference on "The changing firm", Brescia, February 20th-22nd.

2002 Paper on De Viti de Marco, historian of economic thought, presented at the Conference on "The modernity of Antonio de Viti de Marco's economic thought", Lecce, November 8th-9th.

2002 Paper on The Archives in Emilia Romagna: A rediscovered manuscript, presented at the ASE meeting, Pisa, May 24th.

2001 Seminar on The "industrial mentality" of Angelo Marescotti, History of economic thought research group, Lecce, November 16th.

2001 Paper on Free trade and education. Angelo Marescotti proposals for the economic development, presented at the Conference on "Economists in Parliament in Liberal Italy", Pisa, October 15th-17th.

2001 Paper on Archives in Emilia Romagna. First results and future perspectives,presented at the Conference on "Economist's Archives in Emilia Romagna", Bologna, May 14th.

2000 Paper on The economists and the "Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti" in Modena (1860-1900), presented at the Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Modena, December 15th.

1999 Paper on The economic papers from the "Accademia di Scienze lettere ed arti" in Modena (1860-1900), presented at the International Conference on "Economic Associations in XIX century Italy", Pisa, October, 14th-16th.

1998 Paper on Fiscal Issues in the Making of the Italian Constitution, presented at the II annual conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, Bologna, February 27th - March 1st.

1994 Paper on The "Rassegna di scienze sociali e politiche" (with Silvia Lolli), presented at the International Conference on "Italian periodical publications and political economy (XVIII-XIX century)", Parma, September 29th, Reggio Emilia, September 30th - October 1st.

1992 Discussant of N. Bellanca and M. Guidi, Uchronies and the history of economic knowledge, History of economic thought research group, Parma, November 14th.

Other activities

2020 - ... Department referent for Gender Policies, University of Salento.

2020 - ... Department referent for the Quality Control Committee, University of Salento.

2016 - ... Member of various selection commissions for university recruitment.

2020-2022 Member of the research quality assessment (VQR) as expert for area 13b - Scienze economico-aziendali.

2020 Served as external reviewer for a tenure and promotion to associate professor case in a PhD-granting Department of Economics at a Research 1 university in the U.S. (identifying characteristics withheld to maintain anonymity).

2017-2019 Coordination of the Economic section of the Department, University of Salento (May).

2014-2019 Member of the University of Salento Quality Control Committee.

2014 Organization of the Forth De Viti de Marco Lecture, Facolta' di Economia, Lecce, 13 May.

2013 Member of the organizing committee of the conference "La cultura economica in Italia nel Mezzogiorno fra le due guerre.

2013 Representative of the Department of Economics in the Council for the University libraries.

2011 Organization of the Workshop "Economic crisis in historical perspective", Lecce, 9-10 December.

2011 Organization of the Third De Viti de Marco Lecture, Facolta' di Economia, Lecce, 13 May.

2010 Member of the Commission for the PhD thesis of Claire Silvant (Universite' Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense) "L'ecole liberale francaise et l'intervention publique dans la deuxieme moitie' du XIXe siecle", Nanterre, 8 December 2010.

2010 Member of the organizing committee for the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Italian unification, Bologna, Faculty of Political Science.

2009 Rapporteur for the PhD thesis of Guy Numa (Universite' Paris-Dauphine) "Reglementations e Concurrence dans les Chemins de Fer Francais (1823-1914)", Paris, 4 December.

2009 Member of the Commission for the organization of teaching activities, Faculty of Economics, Lecce.

2008 Member of the organising committee of the Second De Viti de Marco Lecture, Faculty of Economics, Lecce, 19 September.

2008 President of the Commission for a movie editor contract, Department of Economics, Lecce, July.

2007 Member of the Commission for the final exam of the 2nd level Master in "Market analysis and local development", University of Salento, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics and Quantitavile Methods, 7 December.

2007 Member of the Commission for the ammission of a lecturer in the Faculty of Law, University of Firenze, June-September.

2007 Web Manager (with Camilla Mastromarco and Marco di Cintio) for the English section of the Department of Economics and Quantitavile Methods, University of Salento, Lecce.

2006 Member of the Commission for the admission to a 2nd level master in "Market analysis and local development", University of Lecce, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics and Quantitavile Methods, November 16 and 17.

2006 Member of the Commission for the PhD final exams in History of Economic Thought, University of Florence, May 9.

2003 Member of the Commission for the admission to Ph.D. (Economics), Faculty of Economics, University of Lecce.

2003 - ... Member of the Scientific Board of the PhD in Economics at the University of Lecce.

2001 Member of the organising committee of the conference "The Archives of the Economists in Emilia Romagna", Bologna, Villa Guastavillani, May 14th.

1999 - 2002 Coordinator of Socrates/Erasmus exchange programm on economics between the University of Bologna and the University of Warsaw.

1997 - 1998 Member of the organising committee in charge of the relations with publishers at the Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, Bologna, February 27th - March 1st, 1998.

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